Featured on RedHat's Compiler Podcast
Featured on RedHat's Compiler Podcast
When developers grow doing more than coding
When developers grow doing more than coding
Drupal VS Silverstripe in a crowded CMS market - Stripecon EU 2022
Drupal VS Silverstripe in a crowded CMS market - Stripecon EU 2022
The Drum leaders' debate: "Are marketers' tech stacks out of control?"
The Drum leaders' debate: "Are marketers' tech stacks out of control?"
How Accessibility Can Boost eCommerce Conversion Rates
How Accessibility Can Boost eCommerce Conversion Rates
Accessibility in eCommerce - Geekle Tech Summit 2021
Accessibility in eCommerce - Geekle Tech Summit 2021
Selling SilverStripe solutions to the public sector markets - StripeCon EU 2021
Selling SilverStripe solutions to the public sector markets - StripeCon EU 2021
Ignite and Accelerate your Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 Migration
Ignite and Accelerate your Drupal 7 to Drupal 9 Migration
Performative Speaking Review - June 2021
Performative Speaking Review - June 2021
The case study of making an accessible website for SportEngland UK
The case study of making an accessible website for SportEngland UK
Diversify your inputs for better outputs
Diversify your inputs for better outputs
Drupal in 2021 and Beyond Virtual Roundtable
Drupal in 2021 and Beyond Virtual Roundtable
How to pitch your Hackathon prototype [in French]
How to pitch your Hackathon prototype [in French]
#AI is shaping the world - Who is shaping AI?
#AI is shaping the world - Who is shaping AI?
Performative Speaking - Make your audience remember you
Performative Speaking - Make your audience remember you
DevOps webinar - a CTO Masterclass
DevOps webinar - a CTO Masterclass
Webinar - 6 steps to upgrade your Drupal 7 CMS to D9
Webinar - 6 steps to upgrade your Drupal 7 CMS to D9
Supporting the next generation of professionals via meaningful encounters with employers
Supporting the next generation of professionals via meaningful encounters with employers
Tackling Augmented & Virtual Reality @ DigitalPond 2017
Tackling Augmented & Virtual Reality @ DigitalPond 2017
Winning Barclays Bank Hackathon at unBound London 2015
Winning Barclays Bank Hackathon at unBound London 2015